Hernia Treatment

Laser Treatment

  • Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of abdominal contents into the sac that encloses it. There are different types of hernias. The most common type of hernia seen in HIV positive patients are inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia.
  • HIV positive patients with hernia present with symptoms of bulge in the groin or in the umbilical region depending on the type of hernia. They have usually a dull aching pain which might become very severe if there is an obstruction or strangulation.
  • Obstructed hernia refers to obstruction to the lumen of the bowel that usually herniated. This is also known as intestinal obstruction. The hiv positive patient with hernia develops vomiting and sometimes constipation as well. This might result in severe pain, electrolyte imbalance. Strangulation is cutting off the blood supply to the lumen of the bowel. This results in gangrene and ultimately Bowel death. This might happen slowly or even rapidly.

Want Laser Surgery for Hernia?

It is imperative that a patient presents to the hospital immediately once the bulge that kept reducing gets stuck and does not move.


Want Laser Surgery for Hernia?

It is imperative that a patient presents to the hospital immediately once the bulge that kept reducing gets stuck and does not move.


  • Treatment of hernia in hiv positive patients can be done by Laproscopy or open hernia surgery. The hiv positive surgery clinic offers Laproscopy and open surgery assisted by laser. The laser beam is inserted through the Laproscope and helps in releasing adhesions, the hernia sac and also helps in reducing blood loss. The current spread laterally is cut down and hence injuries to tissues are a bare minimum.
  • A mesh Hernioplasty in hiv positive patients can be done by the open laser technique where a prolene mesh is placed to cover the defect. This helps tremendously in bringing down recurrence rates . The recurrence rates of hernia in HIV positive patients at HIV positive surgery is less than 1%.


The medical experts at our centre do periodic testing on these patients and ensure that their immunity levels are kept at high levels by making sure that they are being treated adequately and optimally.